Former Primera Police Chief, Manuel Trevino, has officially assumed his new role as Cameron County Sheriff, following his swearing-in ceremony. He emerges victorious over former Sheriff Eric Garza, after serving an impressive tenure as chief for nearly 15 years.
Manuel Trevino: A Man of Character and Integrity
County officials were quick to heap praise on the newly appointed Sheriff. They described Trevino as a man of character and integrity, emphasizing his reputation as a dedicated leader in law enforcement.
Increased Patrolling and Safety Measures Top Priorities
In his inaugural address, Sheriff Trevino outlined his top priorities for his term in office. At the forefront of his agenda is the implementation of increased patrolling and the allocation of additional resources, all in a bid to ensure neighborhood safety. This focus on the safety of the community aligns with his track record of dedication to public service.
As he embarks on his journey as Cameron County Sheriff, Trevino’s commitment to ensuring a safer environment for residents is expected to drive his decision-making and law enforcement strategies. His tenure as the new sheriff is being viewed with optimism and anticipation for a safer Cameron County.