Mercedes Welcomes Fresh Produce: Food Bank Distribution Event Tomorrow

Join the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley for a fresh produce distribution event in Mercedes, open to all Valley residents

The Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley is set to distribute fresh produce in the city of Mercedes this Wednesday, April 10th. The event will take place from 9 to 11 a.m. or until supplies last, at 1202 North Vermont Avenue in Mercedes. This distribution is open to residents from any city in the Valley, ensuring that everyone has access to fresh, healthy food.

To participate, please make sure to bring a photo ID and proof of address. It’s also important to have your trunks empty to accommodate the produce. To ensure fairness and efficiency, only two families per vehicle will be served.

This event is a great opportunity for Valley residents to stock up on fresh produce and support their local food bank. For more information, you can visit the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley’s website or call them at 956-123-4567.

Food Bank,Mercedes

https://foxrgv.tvSearch for Food Bank,MercedesFood Bank,Mercedes

The Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley is set to distribute fresh produce in the city of Mercedes this Wednesday, April 10th. The event will take place from 9 to 11 a.m. or until supplies last, at 1202 North Vermont Avenue in Mercedes. This distribution is open to residents from any city in the Valley, ensuring that everyone has access to fresh, healthy food.

To participate, please make sure to bring a photo ID and proof of address. It’s also important to have your trunks empty to accommodate the produce. To ensure fairness and efficiency, only two families per vehicle will be served.

This event is a great opportunity for Valley residents to stock up on fresh produce and support their local food bank. For more information, you can visit the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley’s website or call them at 956-123-4567.

Mercedes Welcomes Fresh Produce: Food Bank Distribution Event Tomorrow - Food Bank,Mercedes