Lyford ISD Investigates Reported School Threat; Concludes No Direct Danger to Campus

Lyford ISD received a reported school threat through the district’s Stop It app; additional police presence added as a precaution despite finding no direct danger to students or staff.

The Lyford Independent School District (ISD) notified parents on Monday about a reported school threat received through the district’s Stop It app. School officials responded swiftly and worked alongside law enforcement agencies to assess the situation. Despite the concern, the investigation determined there was no direct threat to students, staff, or campus facilities.

Details of the Threat Report

The reported threat, which was submitted anonymously through the district’s Stop It app, did not specify the nature of the threat or name a particular school. This lack of detail prompted a thorough investigation by Lyford ISD, Elsa CISD Police Department, and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

Statement from the District

After an in-depth review, school officials confirmed that the situation posed no immediate danger. The district emphasized that while the threat was not direct, they take every report seriously.

“Elsa CISD PD and DPS investigated the matter and concluded that it was not a direct threat to our school district, campus, students, or staff,” stated a district spokesperson. “Proper disciplinary measures will be taken by administrative staff.”

Precautionary Measures and Community Awareness

Although the investigation ruled out any immediate threat, Lyford ISD added extra police presence on campus as a precautionary measure to reassure parents, students, and staff. School officials also encouraged continued vigilance and proactive reporting.

“We ask students, staff, and parents to report any suspicious activity through the Stop It app or to their local police department.”

Importance of Reporting and Communication

The Stop It app, which allows students and parents to anonymously report safety concerns, played a critical role in alerting authorities to the potential threat. The district is urging the community to remain engaged and to utilize this tool whenever they notice anything unusual or concerning.